Contact Spitting Pig Herefordshire

Hog Roast HerefordshireEvery great journey starts with just a single step, and for your stylish, delicious, and high quality event catering journey to begin today that single step merely requires contacting the fine and delightful team at Hog Roast Leominster!

By contacting Hog Roast Leominster today you are promising yourself an exceptional dining experience at a later date, one that delivers on all the hallmarks of the very best of event dining: style, spectacle, professional high-level service, and of course a range of incredible and delicious dishes that will have you wanting seconds, thirds, and maybe even fourths. This is event dining in every respect of the term, and it is only available at Hog Roast Leominster!

For such a high level of service it would understandably be quite easy to assume that the bar for entry is high, or that the company and the people behind it could be quite snooty or elite, but with Hog Roast Leominster that couldn’t be further from the truth! We’re like a warm and welcoming family here at Hog Roast Leominster eagerly anticipating your call if for nothing else but to just talk about all things food and delicious!

Of course if, as we might expect, you’re actually on the lookout for a caterer to attend to your upcoming event then we’ll get that sorted for you too. When contacting us the Hog Roast Leominster will just need some details about the occasion and perhaps the type of service or style of catering that you are after. From there their expert knowledge can come to the fore and we can offer you a range of free quotes on a variety of menu and service packages that we believe will suit your event and what you have told us. You can leave it there if you so wish, but we reckon you’ll like what we have to offer and so we can then get to talking in more detail about what you need for your event more specifically until we have an exactly perfect tailored catering experience that you are more than happy with.

Hog Roast HerefordshireOur menus and services are adaptable to a range of styles and tastes, allowing you to really refine a perfect dining experience that you have perhaps always dreamed of. With the warmness of our team refining your menu is a welcoming process that we are sure you will enjoy. We’ll then make final confirmations once all is set and there it is, your perfect catered event merely awaits until the date chosen – so let’s just hope you can wait that long!

Making that initial contact can be done through a variety of channels too – just because we love options and making everything as easy as possible for our customers. On our site you’ll find enquiry forms which will allow you to enter details and send away, at which point someone from the Hog Roast Leominster team will be quick to establish contact with you and start talking in more detail about your event. If you prefer instant contact then our phone number is 01432 530839, Equally our email address is or if you’re hip and modern then you’ll find us on all of the typical social media channels – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook – where you can DM us and again receive a quick reply. Why not give us a little follow while you’re there too!

We can’t wait to hear from you and talk catering!