Roasting All Around In Another Week Of Events With Hog Roast Richards Castle

Hog Roast Richards CastleNot even the heavy snowfall this week could slow down the blazing pace that Hog Roast Richards Castle has set for this first period of 2023 so far, and with another week chalk full of many different events and services we were once again roasting all around for many delighted customers. Between getting our name out there at various wedding fairs up and down the nation with our partner venue locations, and a couple of celebratory events for birthdays, anniversaries, engagements and the like, there is plenty of highlights to share for this past week with Hog Roast Richards Castle!

With wedding season on the horizon our teams all around have been enjoying a slightly different pace than our regular event services direct to customers, as we instead have been out and about at our partner venue’s wedding fairs. These fairs invite guests to meet vendors that the venue believes to be good choices for their customers to employ for their weddings. It is always a privilege for Hog Roast Richards Castle to be invited to these events, and we love getting to show off our services to the hundreds of guests that attend. We chat to so many people at these events who are often very excited by our hog roast display, and they also get to enjoy a free hog roast roll on us!

Hog Roast Richards CastleSpeaking of hog roast rolls, Hog Roast Richards Castle teams have been enjoying heading out to many of our corporate partner offices for a quick pop up catered lunch with options of freshly made hog roast rolls and sides. This service has proven very popular amongst our corporate partners. One of our favourites of this week was for a chocolatier business, so the Hog Roast Richards Castle team got to walk away with a few chocolatey goodies of their own for their efforts!

When it snows there is only one thing for it – a hearty hog roast! For an anniversary dinner this week Hog Roast Richards Castle helped to warm up the occasion with our hog roast buffet menu. Around one hundred guests braved the weather to come and celebrate the love of their dear friends Ron and Harriet, and for their efforts they got to enjoy an incredible buffet spread from yours truly!

We’ll be back next week again with plenty more event stories to share!

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