Hog Roast Dilwyn – Find Us Sharing The Love At A Wedding Fair Near You In February

Hog Roast DilwynWith Valentines right in the middle of it, February is most certainly the month of love, and here at Hog Roast Dilwyn we are doing our utmost to get in the spirit of the season and share the love ourselves.

To that end, where else do you find the biggest celebrations of love than at weddings! Wedding catering is easily the most popular of any caterers repertoire, and we at Hog Roast Dilwyn are no different. To ensure that we get ourselves out from the crowd and in front of customers looking for the right caterer for them, the Hog Roast Dilwyn team regularly attends what are known as wedding fairs – extravagant events held by wedding venues and planners to showcase a variety of wedding vendors and services to customers.

Hog Roast DilwynWith it being February and still the start of the year, you may find that this month sees a huge rise in these types of fairs. If you are in the planning for your own wedding, now is it the time to start looking out some of these fairs to find one near you. It may be that a venue you have been eyeing up is running their own, both letting you see the location properly and getting face time with the services that the venue tends to use and recommend. Other such fairs are held out of large halls and stadiums to fit in a mass of vendors and allow hundreds of guests to peruse the various stalls. Have a look for the one for you.

At Hog Roast Dilwyn we love getting to attend these fairs as it gives us the opportunity to meet hundreds of couples looking for wedding dining, as well as other guests just excited by the love and atmosphere of it all. We send a Hog Roast Dilwyn team, equipped with our own hog roaster and hog roast, to showcase our expertise, offer out free samples, and chat to guests and take in bookings. Even if you don’t book with us there that day, with a free hog roast roll you’ll still have had a little bit of our love shared to you!

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